Rensselaer Libraries now provides access to Scopus

We have some news regarding our access to abstract and citation databases. The Rensselaer Libraries have cancelled our subscription to Web of Science in favor of Scopus. Related to this change, access to Endnote has ended, and we encourage the use of Mendeley as a citation manager. This data-driven decision was based on the following factors:

  1. Use of Web of Science had been steadily declining. The most current statistics showed campus-wide usage at roughly 25% that of ten years ago.
  2. The cost of Web of Science had risen to a level that was not supportable by the Libraries' budget. Other options had to be explored and it was determined that Scopus, from Elsevier, is a better fit for the Rensselaer community.

We expect that there will be questions, and we are in the process of scheduling training sessions to ensure a smooth transition for RPI’s research community. These trainings and their schedule will be announced in Morning Mail and on the Libraries’ website.

For now, we’d like to share these highlights about Scopus:

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature – scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world’s research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine social sciences and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. From researchers pursuing scientific breakthroughs to academic institutions and government agencies evaluating research, Scopus is the abstract and indexing database of choice. Worldwide, Scopus is used by more than 3,000 academic, government and corporate institutions.

  • Scopus offers quantity and quality content-coverage in areas critical to research at Rensselaer.
  • Content is curated by the independent Content Selection & Advisory Board. 
  • The database delivers all document metadata provided by the publishers, and provides historical depth and geographic representation across all subject and content types. 
  • It integrates seamlessly with Elsevier resources, including the Mendeley citation manager 
  • Scopus is the only database that implements algorithmic and systematic author and affiliation disambiguation. 
  • Combined with expanded coverage, maximizing the number of articles and citations, researchers benefit from more accurate h-indices. 
  • The data, literature and analytical tools in Scopus can assist researchers in identifying emerging trends, foster collaboration, raise visibility, and identify funding.

To begin your access to Scopus, please visit

For tutorials related to using Scopus, please visit:

For an introduction to Scopus, including training materials and a quick user guide, please visit the Scopus access and use support center.

For upcoming Library Workshops, including an introduction to Mendeley, please visit our workshop schedule.

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