Rensselaer Libraries is pleased to announce that DSpace at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is now available to the Rensselaer community and to researchers worldwide. DSpace@RPI is a repository of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's theses and dissertations which are available in digital format, largely from 2006 to present, along with other selected resources.
Key DSpace@RPI features include
- Easy content discovery through browse/search
- Full text indexing and search
- A responsive user interface
- Single sign-on (Shibboleth) for access to items restricted to the Rensselaer community
- Automatically minted persistent identifiers
- Support for Open Access content
- Platform integrations with other Rensselaer Libraries systems
- Indexing by all major commercial search engines, including Google Scholar
About DSpace
DSpace is an open source institutional repository software package that is focused on the long-term access, storage, and preservation of content. Originally developed by MIT and HP Labs with theses as a use case, DSpace has become the most widely used software of its kind, with over 3,000 registered repositories worldwide. Today DSpace is guided by LYRASIS with contributions from the robust user community. DSpace@RPI is cloud-based, with services by Atmire.